10 days - Winchester

An interdisciplinary contemporary arts platform across the district

10 days - Winchester

An interdisciplinary contemporary arts platform across the district

Winchester Cathedral and 10 days take art to new heights - 2013

Winchester Cathedral’s part in the 10 days contemporary arts platform has been the catalyst for bringing together and extraordinary collection of new works and installations the like of which has rarely been seen before in a sacred building

​With 47 artists and 30 projects in all corners of the building from the crypt to the Bible Room there is a breathtaking range of work to be seen, including a suspended giant float in the nave. Among the works on show will be award-winning projects including “Anima/Animus” by Helena Eflerova and Kye Wilson, a video installation in response to the Cathedral’s statues. Two gigantic works by two distinctive voices, international textile artists Alice Kettle and Stephen Cooper act as a counter point to eachother and culminate in a stunning visual ‘Offering’ in the south transept. Art and poetry , a strong theme across 10 days also features prominently in the Cathedral. Dr Alwyn Marriage, poet-in-residence for 10 days will be engaging visitors in a poetry trail and performing readings as part of Poetic Interactions on Friday 1 Nov.


​Normal admission fees to the Cathedral apply.